Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
uri | string (at-uri) | - | ✅ | - |
cid | string (cid) | - | ✅ | - |
author | | - | ✅ | - |
record | unknown | - | ✅ | - |
embed | union of app.bsky.embed.images#view app.bsky.embed.external#view app.bsky.embed.record#view app.bsky.embed.recordWithMedia#view | - | ❌ | - |
replyCount | integer | - | ❌ | - |
repostCount | integer | - | ❌ | - |
likeCount | integer | - | ❌ | - |
quoteCount | integer | - | ❌ | - |
indexedAt | string (datetime) | - | ✅ | - |
viewer | #viewerState | - | ❌ | - |
labels | array of com.atproto.label.defs#label | - | ❌ | - |
threadgate | #threadgateView | - | ❌ | - |
Metadata about the requesting account's relationship with the subject content. Only has meaningful content for authed requests.
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
repost | string (at-uri) | - | ❌ | - |
like | string (at-uri) | - | ❌ | - |
threadMuted | boolean | - | ❌ | - |
replyDisabled | boolean | - | ❌ | - |
embeddingDisabled | boolean | - | ❌ | - |
pinned | boolean | - | ❌ | - |
Metadata about this post within the context of the thread it is in.
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
rootAuthorLike | string (at-uri) | - | ❌ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
post | #postView | - | ✅ | - |
reply | #replyRef | - | ❌ | - |
reason | union of #reasonRepost #reasonPin | - | ❌ | - |
feedContext | string | - | ❌ | Context provided by feed generator that may be passed back alongside interactions. |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
root | union of #postView #notFoundPost #blockedPost | - | ✅ | - |
parent | union of #postView #notFoundPost #blockedPost | - | ✅ | - |
grandparentAuthor | | - | ❌ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
by | | - | ✅ | - |
indexedAt | string (datetime) | - | ✅ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
post | #postView | - | ✅ | - |
parent | union of #threadViewPost #notFoundPost #blockedPost | - | ❌ | - |
replies | array of union #threadViewPost #notFoundPost #blockedPost | - | ❌ | - |
threadContext | #threadContext | - | ❌ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
uri | string (at-uri) | - | ✅ | - |
notFound | boolean | - | ✅ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
uri | string (at-uri) | - | ✅ | - |
blocked | boolean | - | ✅ | - |
author | #blockedAuthor | - | ✅ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
did | string (did) | - | ✅ | - |
viewer | | - | ❌ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
uri | string (at-uri) | - | ✅ | - |
cid | string (cid) | - | ✅ | - |
did | string (did) | - | ✅ | - |
creator | | - | ✅ | - |
displayName | string | - | ✅ | - |
description | string | - | ❌ | - |
descriptionFacets | array of app.bsky.richtext.facet | - | ❌ | - |
avatar | string (uri) | - | ❌ | - |
likeCount | integer | - | ❌ | - |
acceptsInteractions | boolean | - | ❌ | - |
labels | array of com.atproto.label.defs#label | - | ❌ | - |
viewer | #generatorViewerState | - | ❌ | - |
contentMode | string | app.bsky.feed.defs#contentModeUnspecified app.bsky.feed.defs#contentModeVideo | ❌ | - |
indexedAt | string (datetime) | - | ✅ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
like | string (at-uri) | - | ❌ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
post | string (at-uri) | - | ✅ | - |
reason | union of #skeletonReasonRepost #skeletonReasonPin | - | ❌ | - |
feedContext | string | - | ❌ | Context that will be passed through to client and may be passed to feed generator back alongside interactions. |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
repost | string (at-uri) | - | ✅ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
uri | string (at-uri) | - | ❌ | - |
cid | string (cid) | - | ❌ | - |
record | unknown | - | ❌ | - |
lists | array of app.bsky.graph.defs#listViewBasic | - | ❌ | - |
Property | Type | Known Values | Required | Description |
item | string (at-uri) | - | ❌ | - |
event | string | app.bsky.feed.defs#requestLess app.bsky.feed.defs#requestMore app.bsky.feed.defs#clickthroughItem app.bsky.feed.defs#clickthroughAuthor app.bsky.feed.defs#clickthroughReposter app.bsky.feed.defs#clickthroughEmbed app.bsky.feed.defs#interactionSeen app.bsky.feed.defs#interactionLike app.bsky.feed.defs#interactionRepost app.bsky.feed.defs#interactionReply app.bsky.feed.defs#interactionQuote app.bsky.feed.defs#interactionShare | ❌ | - |
feedContext | string | - | ❌ | Context on a feed item that was originally supplied by the feed generator on getFeedSkeleton. |
TOKEN: Request that less content like the given feed item be shown in the feed
TOKEN: Request that more content like the given feed item be shown in the feed
TOKEN: User clicked through to the feed item
TOKEN: User clicked through to the author of the feed item
TOKEN: User clicked through to the reposter of the feed item
TOKEN: User clicked through to the embedded content of the feed item
TOKEN: Declares the feed generator returns any types of posts.
TOKEN: Declares the feed generator returns posts containing embeds.
TOKEN: Feed item was seen by user
TOKEN: User liked the feed item
TOKEN: User reposted the feed item
TOKEN: User replied to the feed item
TOKEN: User quoted the feed item
TOKEN: User shared the feed item